Response to McCloud

A ruling by the Court of Appeal in 2018 (referred to as the McCloud judgement) identified inequality within some public service pension schemes due to age-related transitional protection that was given to some members following the pension scheme reforms in 2015.

As the MPs’ Pension Scheme contains similar age-related transitional protections, IPSA has decided to make the following changes – known as the PCPF’s Response to McCloud – to address any potential age-related unfairness between 8 May 2015 (the date the transitional protections came into effect) and 31 March 2023 (the date the Final Salary Section closed):

  • The Final Salary Section will closed to all members on 31 March 2023. All active members of the MPs’ Pension Scheme will continue their membership within the CARE Section only from 1 April 2023.
  • Benefits built up in the Final Salary Section before 8 May 2015 are not affected by the changes.
  • For the period between 8 May 2015 and 31 March 2023, affected members will be given an immediate choice of whether to:
    • Move their benefits for this period to the Final Salary Section;
    • Move their benefits for this period to the CARE Section; or
    • Make no change.
  • Immediate choice means that all members will have to have made and communicated their decision to the administrators, Gallagher, by 31 January 2025. If no choice is communicated to Gallagher, the ‘no change’ option will be applied to members’ benefits.

These changes affect all members of the MPs’ Pension Scheme (active, deferred or retired) who were MPs on 7 May 2015 and have also served as an MP since 8 May 2015, regardless of whether they received full, tapered, or no transitional protection in May 2015.

Finding support

A Mccloud financial education programme has been created to support members who need a little more information before making their choice.

Digital modelling (provided by Guiide):
Guiide is a popular online guidance tool developed by a pensions actuary and other pension professionals. Guiide have built a custom journey to help PCPF members understand their specific McCloud options. This journey will consider how these choices may affect your benefits, contributions and tax implications. This may be enough for you to make a decision without advice. Use your personal log in detailed in your options pack, to access the modeller, which has been pre-populated with the personalised information shown on your Statement.

Financial advice
We recommend that you take independent financial advice before making your choice. You may already have a financial adviser or accountant from whom you can take advice. Alternatively, Guiide have selected two regulated independent financial advisers from their adviser panel, who are both very experienced in scheme option exercises, to provide you advice at a fixed price. Please access the Guiide modeller above for details of these advisers.

McCloud seminars will be run periodically following receipt of your options pack. Seminars are currently scheduled to take place on Tuesday 4th July, Thursday 13th July, Wednesday 19th July and Wednesday 26th July. If you wish to attend a seminar, please register your interest with the Secretariat team on 0207 219 6481 or, confirming whether you would prefer to attend an in-person or virtual event.

Upcoming events

McCloud Financial Education Seminars – 4th, 13th, 19th and 26th July

McCloud seminars will be run periodically following receipt of your options pack. Seminars are currently scheduled to take place on Tuesday 4th July, Thursday 13th July, Wednesday 19th July and Wednesday 26th July. If you wish to attend a seminar, please register your interest with the Secretariat team on 0207 219 6481 or, confirming whether you would prefer to attend an in-person or virtual event.

Documents to download

View the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) consultation documents about MPs’ pensions and the McCloud judgement.

View extracts from communications relating to MPs’ pensions and the McCloud judgement.

View letters to members about the impact and response to the McCloud judgement.

View guidance from HMRC for MPs and Ministers on Tax and National Insurance contributions.

Find answers to your questions

View our FAQs.

Indicative timeline

Subject to change

  • March 2023
    Final Salary Section of the MPs’ Pension Scheme closes
  • June 2023
    Digital modeller made available to members (provided by Guiide):
  • July 2023
    Active and deferred members receive statements
    McCloud Financial Education Seminars held for members
  • September 2023
    Pensioners receive statements
  • Autumn 2023
    HMT pass legislation to enable redress scheme
  • December 2023
    IPSA lay rules to allow redress scheme
  • January 2024 onwards
    Members invited to start making their choice, if ready to do so
  • January – March 2024
    121 guidance sessions available
  • April 2024
    Implementation starts for those members who have made a choice
  • Summer 2024
    Members reminded they have until Jan 2025 to make their choice
  • January 2025
    Deadline for choice. Default option applied to anyone who has not made a choice at this point