If you are receiving your pension benefits, it is useful to know how your pension is paid, how tax is deducted, how increases may be applied over time and how to inform us of any changes to your circumstances.
Our Pensioners’ E-booklet is a useful source of information to help you learn about your benefits and options once you retire.
The information in this section is designed to support you and answer appropriate questions. If you have further questions, not covered in this section, please contact the administrator, Gallagher, at:
PCPF Administration Team
Gallagher (Bristol)
PO Box 319
GL14 9BF
Telephone: 0330 123 0634
Email: PCPF@buck.com

Your Pensioners’ e-Booklet
Your pensioners’ guide contains information you will need to understand now that you are receiving your pension benefits.

Keeping You Informed
Although you are now receiving your pension benefits, you may still be interested to know what’s happening within the Scheme.