MPs – Final Salary
Prior to 8 May 2015 all MPs built up benefits in the Final Salary Section of the PCPF. In this Section the benefits you receive at retirement are calculated on your salary, multiplied by the number of years’ service which count towards your pension.
All newly elected MPs, along with any re-elected MPs who were younger than 55 years on 1 April 2013, moved to the CARE Section of the MPs’ Pension Scheme from 8 May 2015, for future service. Some MPs were given transitional protection whereby they were allowed to remain the Final Salary section for a set period before being moved into the CARE Section.
If you are appointed as a Select Committee Chair, members of the Chairman’s panel or as the holders of a qualifying office you would build up additional benefits in the Pre 2015 section of the Ministerial Pension Scheme. The Member guide, below, is a useful source of information to help you learn more about your current or previous Final Salary Section membership.
The links will take you to the correct pages for your membership and enable you to access the information you need. You may also find the information in the FAQs section helpful.
Consider your loved ones
Complete your Death Benefit Nomination form to inform the Trustees of your wishes.
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Have any questions?
Click here to view our FAQs.
Keep in touch
If there are changes to your circumstances or address, please let Gallagher know.

Your Member guide contains information to help you understand your pension and get the most from your membership.

Forms and information you need to manage your membership.

The Death Benefit Nomination form is one of the first things you should consider completing as a member. You should also update it if your wishes change over time.